Sports and Exercise science

I am at the start of my academic journey in sports and exercise science.  I will share my learning with you as knowledge and improvement are continuous – none of us ever know everything!

The Evidence Focus

My approach is founded on evidence and research.  I don’t endorse products or methods that haven’t been backed up and proven to work with scientific research.


The causes and consequences of human movement and how the human body responds to equipment or apparatus.  Looking at how to use available equipment to have the greatest impact by applying mechanical principles such as pressure, movement, force and momentum.


How the musculoskeletal system responds to exercise and training – this is used to understand what strength and conditioning programme may suit you best and give the best results.


How the mind affects performance and motivation in sport and everyday life. This is central to everything we do as first and foremost our priority is your happiness and wellbeing.

Strength and conditioning

Focussing on the entire physical development of a person and what is needed for them to be the best physical version of themselves.  This is about individual aspirations, it is not necessarily about winning but being happy with your physical and mental state.